Home Web3 Web3 Explained for Creatives 

Web3 Explained for Creatives 

by Ed Draper
Web 3.0 app is studied on two computer monitors. Web3 opportunities for all types of creatives

Web3 Description for Creatives and Innovators

Introduction to Web3

What is Web 3.0? That topic turns up often in conversations about the internet, and understanding web3 is extremely important to anyone trying to profit from online commerce. Right-brain innovators such as artists, writers, musicians, all types of creatives can take comfort that web3 is actually easy to understand and work with. 

A little reading and a bit of engagement will prove the point. Even reading this short missive will help you understand Web 3.0 enough to explain it to whomever you meet – at least at a high level. 

Web3 Elements for High-Level Discussion 

The scope of this article follows. First, a web3 baseline is presented for context. Then, taglines distill the entire web3 experience into short sentences which aid comprehension. And finally, significant elements and descriptions identify web3 topics we study in future posts.

Web3 for Creatives and Innovators (the Scope) 

  • Baseline 
  • Taglines
  • Significant Elements and Descriptions
    • Constructs
    • Technology
    • Finance
    • Commerce
    • UX – the User Experience

Web3 Baseline Declares “We are Here” 

Web3 can be divided into simple categories to aid explanation but there’s still a lot to cover, so where to begin? Anytime I find myself wondering where to start when writing or explaining a large topic, I often rely on a thought trigger. And I’ve learned that a little humor can help, too.

One of my favorite thought triggers is an image from outer space – the Milky Way Galaxy. The image depicts its vastness, showing hundreds of billions of stars and the galaxy’s famous spiral arms. On the Orion spiral a small red arrow points to planet Earth and a caption reads, “You Are Here.” 

Note: Thought triggers appear in many forms, shapes, sizes, and can help creatives with numerous tasks. Coming soon to a post near you: more about thought triggers and other creative tools in the Selfwerks section. 

How to Proceed 

The Milky Way image reminds me of my place in the universe and also triggers inspiring thoughts for how to proceed. In this case, how to better understand and convey the simplicity of web3.

The writer in me calls out for more exposition. No matter the point in a plotline or scene in a movie, I always want to know more about the backstory. Therefore, filling the baseline with a bit of historical context about web3 and the internet is a good place to start.

A Web3 Baseline to Aid Comprehension 

A complex subject like web3 is easier to understand with a baseline of relevant facts and data points at your fingertips. Knowing the backstory is important, too. And with a baseline in hand, new information becomes more consumable and useable. 

Since web3 is a part of today’s internet, historical and content comparisons should help solidify understanding.

Baseline Comparison – Web 3.0 and the Early Internet 

… by time and function

Web3 is the preferred nickname for the internet’s ever-evolving decentralized applications and infrastructure. 

Web2 is the familiar global ecommerce and entertainment network we enjoy today.

Web1 is a convenient label for separating the web’s awkward, early beginnings from the more functionally mature internet.

… by content and keywords

Research produced a long list of keywords, all suitable for a web3 word cloud graphic. Many of the terms were expected but some were surprising. 

Web3 – inescapable keywords for web3 include crypto, bitcoin, wallet, and blockchain, but there is much more to web3 than finance and technology. Gaming and entertainment are present and popular as evidenced by keywords like AI (artificial intelligence), virtual reality, and metaverse. Creativity is a commonly discovered keyword too. 

Web2 – Web 2.0 produced an exceptional level of ecommerce with the aid of technology giants like Apple, Amazon, Alphabet (Google), and Meta (Facebook, Instagram).  

Web1 – You might recall the original internet was notorious for access limitations and poor performance. Remember the struggle to connect and stay connected using dialup modems and all of those websites that seemed to never load? 

Baseline Comparison – Web 3.0 and Web 2.0 

Web2 is well established and still expanding online. Web3 is building applications on the same network infrastructure but with a focus on decentralization. Decentralizing commerce functions allows data owners better opportunities to keep and maintain control of their data. 

Web3 and Web2 coexist on the internet and are likely to integrate functionality over time. Many financial institutions offer exchanges for both crypto and traditional currency. For now, you might need a ‘web3 browser’ to access some web3 apps and services but that could also change. 

Eventually, a mature web3 will continue to share the internet with web2, but web3 is far from complete in its development. Some web3 functionality and practices have been around for years, and there’s plenty of room for creative expansion. 

“You might think of the status of the internet today as web2.5.” 

Tip: This thought labeling trick might help you explain how web3 fits into the existing internet. In practice, simply explain web3 as a natural progression of the internet. Since the internet is still evolving, unofficially or even with humor, you might refer to the status of today’s internet as web2.5.

The Web3 Elevator Pitch

Art impresses from the first moment it is sensed and often speaks for itself. Artists, musicians, performers, all benefit from instant impressions of their work. Writers and inventors, however, must plan to pitch ideas and concepts rapidly on short notice and too often without depth. 

Elevator pitch is known to salesmen as the technique used to get a key point across when you meet someone in a brief encounter. Expectation for time is 1 to 2 minutes – or less – like meeting someone, say, in an elevator. 

Web3 Taglines and the Elevator Pitch

Writers and concept creators might have to communicate more with less time. It’s best to draft a 2-minute version and an abbreviated one. Taglines will help.

Taglines are perfect auxiliary partners for an elevator pitch. Tagline has become an accepted term for descriptive buzzwords or a catchphrase which captures a derivative expression in the fewest practical words, possibly as short as a title.

Taglines work well with web3 digital assets, too. Consequently, they provide an easy way for creatives to introduce themselves and pitch their artistry. At the very least, taglines and a 1 or 2-sentence elevator pitch will help answer that ubiquitous question, “What is Web 3.0?”

Taglines Can Help Answer “What is Web 3.0?” 

Now, think about commanding instantaneous interest with taglines. 

Tip: The general idea is to familiarize your “ask” or message using clear and concise taglines, so that you’re ready to pitch when the opportunity arises. 

Tip: It might help to think of a tagline as the heading or title for a subject of interest. That technique keeps both subject and tagline in mind and will aid conversation.

Four Web3 Tagline Examples

The four taglines below are short and somewhat easy to remember. Review them all and try to identify one or two that are easy to work with. 

Certainly it is okay to create new ones, tweak content, extend length, and integrate artistic innovations. 

The Original Web3 Tagline 

Starting with one of the originals. In 2014 the term “Web3” emerged as did this consensus tagline: 

“Web3 is the decentralized online ecosystem based on blockchain.” 

A nice encompassing tagline of only nine words in one short sentence. It includes the main functional construct, “decentralized,” along with “blockchain,” otherwise known as the distributed database technology for web3. 

Techies might like its simplicity but using “ecosystem” instead of platform or framework requires a deeper understanding. 

An Updated and Simple Version 

This version updates the original and incorporates the baseline context we looked at earlier.

“Web3 is the part of the internet based on decentralized apps like blockchain.” 

Especially nice after you learn more about decentralized apps and blockchain.

A Web3 Tagline for a New Generation

This web3 tagline speaks to the principles of ownership, democracy, and control.

“Web3 democratizes the internet and puts control back in the hands of users.”

While no one owns the internet, a few major companies exert considerable influence, and some critics say they have too much power.  

A Web3 Tagline for Creatives

With so many apps and features native to Web3, let’s look at another version more open to creatives:

This one considers the wishes of sensing-feeling creative types: 

“A fully decentralized web3 places content creation in the hands of creators rather than platform owners.”

The focus on creative endeavors makes it a personal favorite. Blockchain and other elements are important to discuss, but why not take advantage of creative works and digital assets first. Fit artistic innovations into the web3 mix with your first opportunity, then proceed to the crypto elements later.

Combination List of Tagline Examples

Combined List:

  • “Web3 is the decentralized online ecosystem based on blockchain.” 
  • “Web3 is the part of the internet based on decentralized apps like blockchain.” 
  • “Web3 democratizes the internet and puts control back in the hands of users.”
  • “A fully decentralized web3 places content creation in the hands of creators rather than platform owners.”

Sometimes it helps to review a summary of information. Listing all four of the tagline examples side-by-side helps to highlight reoccurring key words and variations. 

And as a supportive call to action, it should encourage you to strike out on your own as you expand your knowledge to other elements and benefits of web3. 

Blockchain and Web3 Technology Explained

Blockchain and decentralized appeared often in the tagline examples. So, now is a good time to delve a little deeper into web3 with more detailed descriptions of blockchain and decentralized apps and technology.

Think of blockchain as a digital ledger that records transactions and information in a secure, transparent and decentralized way. Instead of relying on a central authority, like a bank, to keep track of transactions, blockchain uses a network of computers to validate and store transactions. This means that the information on a blockchain is public, unalterable and accessible to anyone on the network.

Web3 technology is built on top of blockchain and focuses on creating a decentralized web, where data and assets can be owned and controlled by individuals rather than corporations. In a Web3 world, artists and writers would have more control over their creative works and could directly monetize their content without the need for intermediaries.

In essence, blockchain and Web3 aim to create a fairer, more open and more secure online ecosystem, where individuals can fully control and benefit from their digital assets.

Web3: from Baseline to Basics

The baseline revealed the web3 environment as nothing to fear. To the contrary, web3 technology is positive and rational. On one side, web3 provides a rewarding and entertaining user experience, and on the other, a broad range of profitable development opportunities for creatives. 

Going forward, the priority is to learn more about key components and how to harness the full power presented by web3.

Web3 Essentials for Creatives and Innovators  

A list of significant web3 elements provides a roadmap of the comprehensive web3 Guide for creatives and visionaries presented at Creatology.com. 

Web3 Component Categories 

  • Constructs
  • Technology
  • Finance
  • Commerce
  • UX – the User Experience

The categories cover guiding concepts for web3, critical technology, finance and commerce, and, central to any successful enterprise, the user experience. 

Important Web3 Elements 

  • Constructs
    • Decentralized 
    • Control 
    • Ownership 
    • Privacy 
    • Security 
    • Innovation 
    • Creativity 
  • Technology
    • Internet 
    • Blockchain 
    • Decentralized protocols 
    • dApps (decentralized applications) 
    • DeFi (decentralized finance companies) 
    • Database 
    • Network 
    • Platforms 
    • Networks 
    • Crypto 
    • Cryptography 
    • Mint 
    • Mining 
    • Smart contract 
  • Finance
    • Cryptocurrency 
    • Bitcoin 
    • Ethereum 
    • Wallet 
    • Digital Assets 
    • Tokens 
  • Commerce
    • Marketplaces  
    • Marketing 
    • Sales 
    • Advertising 
    • Content 
    • Brands 
    • NFTs 
  • UX – the User Experience
    • Finance 
    • Banking  
    • Commerce 
    • Shopping 
    • Social Media 
    • Entertainment 
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) 
    • Metaverse 
    • Virtual Reality (VR) 
    • Augmented Reality (AR) 
    • Web2 
    • Web3 
    • Sites 
    • Apps 
    • Engagement 

Important Web3 Elements 

The long list of Web3 elements only hints at the potential…

A Call to Action

Web3 represents the next frontier of the internet, where power is shifted from corporations to individuals and communities. With its decentralized and interoperable nature, the opportunities for innovation and profit in web3 commerce are endless. So, let’s embrace this new era, be bold and creative, and shape the future of commerce together in a truly open and equitable way.

Let’s do this!


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